Tuesday 21 February 2012

Pancake fillings

Ok, a bit late for tonight, but some ideas for next time you make them.

Having left work an hour late tonight, we are foregoing the usual savoury pancake course, and I'm typing this while cooking pancakes.
I usually stuff then and roll them like cannelloni, top in a white sauce and bake until browned. Works well with Bolognese sauce, salmon and spinach in tomato sauce, baked beans, roasted veg, etc

Could also just fold up with smoked salmon (shouldn't have introduced mini monster to this at Christmas, he asks for it every time we go shopping now!), ham, cold roast meat, prawns, tuna and sweetcorn, grated carrot, cucumber strips, vegetable strips like fajita filling.

Tonight we will be having a combination of the following toppings:

Sliced banana
Chestnut puree (sweetened)
Chocolate sauce
Maple Syrup
Apple and cinnamon
Oat cream
Dairy and Soya free ice cream
(and pomegranate as mini monster has a thing about it this week!)Bolognese

Ok, pancakes done, need to go and round up the boys!

Happy eating.

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